JUDICIARY Latest Features

Prison Authorities Commend Kumi Magistrates
HW Winny Afoyorwoth Magistrate Grade I (standing)

On Wednesday November15, 2023, HW Winny Afoyorwoth Magistrate Grade I Kumi, joined a team from Judicial Service Commission led by Ms Ogwang Gloria, a Senior Legal Officer, for a stakeholders' engagement at Kumi Government Prison.

They were welcomed by the Kumi OC Prison Mr Beka Ferdinand who commended the Judicial Officers at Kumi Chief Magistrates Court, under the leadership of HW Hope Namisi, for a job well done. He also thanked the Magistrates for the cordial working relationships. 

He appreciated them for the timely disposal of criminal cases and ensuring that the inmates on remand appear regularly in court.

The Resident State Attorney, Mr Mulemezi Herbert, participated in the sensitization.

Posted 15th, November 2023
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